Time of tea!

Presentation of project "Time of tea!"
Job Description "Time of tea!"

Article Strelnikova Tatiana, Smolentseva Catherine: "Time of tea!"   
Job Description "Time of tea!"
Presentation of project "Time of tea!"

Strelnikova Tatiana, Smolentseva Catherine: "Time of tea!"
uthor: Catherine Smolentseva,  7th Grade
Supervisors: Strelnikova Tatiana V., an English teacher.

Educational Institution: "Malinovskaya Secondary school" the Tomsk region, Russia
Used: A text editor Word, editor for creating presentations Power Point, editor Publisher, as well as Internet resources. 

1) Actuality. Why this theme is taken for the study?

Drink called "Tea" known to the world for more than five thousand years. Quite impossible to imagine life without tea. Now, perhaps, there is no such person, who would not know what kind of drink is tea. But there was a time when the tea consumed in China alone. This country is considered to be its birthplace. And even if this drink were a pleasure to drink in other countries, it is called "Chinese herb".
One day we had a friendship day in our school.
We were visited by students of different nationalities. We met students from China. I saw a Chinese tea ceremony,which amazed me. I was wondering if there was this ancient tradition in China so far. Having examined the information on this subject, I discovered that the tradition of tea there today and not only in China but also in other countries almost in the form as it existed before. For example, in good old England, a tradition of drinking tea, which was adopted in the 19 century, to this day.
What about  our country? Tea in Russia appeared in almost the same time as in Europe. Tea drinking in Russia - it is a tradition which, unfortunately, recently forgotten. For tea was identified certain times and around the table, usually round or oval, the whole family or just close friends. Over a cup of tea, walked unhurried conversations, solve (mirno!) all the problems.
From olden times in Russia drank cranberry ,cowberry fruit drinks, all kinds of brew and drink from, especially in hot sbiten: honey infusion of hunt
ers, valerian root, bay leaf and other spices. Ivan-tea - a traditional drink of Russia, is mentioned in historical chronicles Russia XII century. Deserved reputation for centuries enjoyed the Russian samovar, beauty and pride of Russian tea-table. Where is it?
I would like to bring back the good old tradition, because gradually our dear, now disappears. And it can hap
pen even in such a way that does not come back ever ...

2) Determine the subject of study. (What should be studying?)

I had an idea to write a research work entitled: "Time for tea." I think that this topic is interesting, useful, and I and everyone who loves the Russian culture. Since I'm studying English, I decided to learn more about the history, traditions and characteristics of tea in England, too. Determine whether to keep the tradition of tea drinking in Russia and England? Compare these traditions, which emphasize the similarities and differences in the characteristics of Russian and English tea.
To carry out research work I need to:
  1. To find out the history of how tea came to Russia and England.
  2. Get to know the history, traditions and characteristics of tea in Russia and England.
  3. Compare and identify similarities and differences in the characteristics of Russian and English tea.
  4. Revise the information, organize and arrange the Russian and English languages.
  5. Conduct a public opinion poll to find out whether we need tradition of tea today.  Learn how to brew tea.
  6. Meet with the recipes of traditional Russian tea.
3) Formulation of the problem. What is the problem? What are some questions to be answered?

I decided to find out:
1. Whether to keep the tradition of tea drinking in Russia, England?
2. What are the similarities and what differences tea in Russia and England?
3. Why does Russian tradition of tea drinking in Russia disappear? What can be done to restore this tradition today?

4) Nomination of the hypothesis. (What could be the proposed answer?)

If there is a tradition of tea drinking in China, presumably, I think that in other countries, this tradition exists, particularly in England. In Russia, many traditions are disappeared, probably a new tradition of tea drinking does not exist in the form in what was previously.
Differences exist, because there is a name of tea, Russian tea and English tea. In addition, the geographical position of different countries, the climate. What could be more common? The most important thing - the birthplace of tea China, that's where tea was brought in almost the same time in England and Russia.
Why does Russian tradition of tea drinking in Russia disappear? I think that this is due to the rapid century, where everything is changing rapidly, people rush to do everything. Even once to sit down and drink a cup of real, freshly brewed tea. And there are many so-called Fast food, because it is very convenient snack on the go bun with bystrozavarennym tea from a bag.

5) Test the hypothesis

After studying the information I have found that tea drinking tradition exists today and not only in China but also in other countries almost in the form as it existed before. For example, in good old England, a tradition of drinking tea, which was adopted in the 19 century, to this day.
In England, you will definitely be offered a choice of several varieties of tea.
This - the first sign of respect. The British drink tea six times a day, and each time of day has its own brand of tea and tea-drinking traditions. For more than a century Englishman day begins with a cup of tea "English breakfast» early morning cuppa. Second breakfast - lunch - came during the reign of Queen Victoria as a small meal. Short afternoon tea is usually accompanied by a small snack, so called «low tea». This is - time "afternoon tea" or simply "snack". The most famous of the "snack» - «five-o-clock» - was introduced in 1840 by Duchess Anna Bedford. Tea for ample evening meal in 19-20 hours is called «high tea», meaning no amount of tea, but the amount of food. Evenings are going home for a huge round table in the living room fireplace, exchanging news of politics, sport. After a late dinner, just before sleep Englishmen can not afford another cup of tea.
And how in our country? After tea in Russia appeared in almost the same time as in Europe. Tea drinking in Russia - it is a rite which, unfortunately, recently abandoned. How does drinking tea our grandparents? In a traditional Russian tea party at the table basement milk and cream, lemon, sugar, crackers, cookies, muffins and bagels buns. Over tea been a family business, there was an exchange of views, were business contracts are still a treat with tea as a symbol of hospitality.
Tea must be of good grade, without impurities, strong. Important role in the ritual of tea drinking has played a samovar - it became the main Russian tea party feast, became an indispensable attribute of any home. Samovar bought not only for themselves but for the grandchildren and great grandchildren, and his holy cherished. Samovars cost dearly - in fact they are best able to do the Tula masters, countrymen the famous left-handed.
Samovar - a symbol of comfort, home heat, the family hearth.
It is a pity that now it has replaced many of the TV. After all, when the family is going to not to communicate with each other, leaving the heat, love and mutual respect.
What was the etiquette of tea in Russia? This is not a ritual, both in Japan and not so prim and proper, as in England ceremony.
The main thing - the heat of communication that is so typical Russian person. In the folk art in this regard is a set of proverbs: "Guest of Honor - the owner of honor," "Though not rich, and guests happy," "Guest in the House - happiness in the home" and "Guest at the threshold - and God is on the threshold."
Tea table is served beforehand. At one end of the samovar, about his tray with cups and glasses. Here is the place lady. Basket with several varieties of cookies, plates of sandwiches, sweet pastries, as well as cream and saucer with lemon wedges are placed around the table. Decanters with rum and brandy is placed next to the owner. Pours tea hostess. If there is a grown-up daughter, then this obligation is transferred to her. This duty is simple, but requires skill, grace and skill. Cup should never be poured to the brim: to try to please everyone. But guests should not be too picky, one should drink tea, how it is given. Blow on the tea to cool it, it is considered impolite.
From olden times in Russia drank cranberry yes cowberry fruit drinks, all kinds of brew and drink from, especially in hot sbiten: honey infusion of hunters, valerian root, bay leaf and other spices. Ivan-tea - a traditional drink of Russia, is mentioned in historical chronicles Russia XII century.
Comparing the characteristics of Russian and English tea party, I found the similarities and differences. 

English people like to have a cup of tea 6 or 8 times a day and even more. (Biscuits, cakes, puddings, jam are given for tea.)
Equipment of Russian tea-drinking (samovar, pancakes, jam, lumps of sugar, lemon, tea glasses in glass-holders, etc.)
The English like tea with milk.
The English don’t dilute tea with water.
The next important component of Russia tea – drinking is lemon/
In Russia, it is almost always diluted with water
Tea – popular drink
They like tea in tea bags
Tea – popular drink
They like tea in tea bags
Tea was brought in China.
Tea was brought in China.

6) Interpretation (explanation) of the results. Possible conclusions.

The result of my work is successful. In my family, tea began to boil, prepare for the tea party, tea bags do not brew. 
I ran a public poll and reached the following conclusions. People love tea, and even in large quantities, but unfortunately packed prefer Ceylon tea, but many of you know, and even brewed herb tea is traditionally drunk after a bath.
In the process I learned many interesting things such as: Russian and English tradition that the British and Russian traditions have in common and differences. Learned many new things for themselves such as: earlier in Russia, had tea with watermelon, in England they drink tea with milk in England, this tradition has been preserved to our days, and in Russia - the tradition has disappeared.
I learned a lot about herbal tinctures, and it gave me further develop the theme of tea, have a medical point of view. I take a closer look with the English tradition. I had the opportunity in the language of this country to talk about the case.

7) Preparation for the presentation of research material. Writing the report. 
Report-writing capabilities were used text editor, Word, Publisher. The final material is presented in the form of presentations, made in the editor, Power Point. 
Entering the work we used the following literature:
MZ Biboletova "Enjoy English" textbook English grades 5-6

Speak out № 34, 2004. Glossa - press
Speak out № 58, 2006. Glossa - press
http://www. tea-pots.org
http://www.teatips.ru, 2000-2006

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